On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 04:18, Alex Russell <slightly...@google.com> wrote:
> No we don't. The fact that there's someone else who has a handle to
> the list and can mutate it underneath you is a documentation issue,
> not a question of type...unless the argument is that the slots should
> be non-configurable, non-writable except by the browser that's also
> holding a ref to it.

That is an ES violation. A non configurable, non writable data
property is not allowed to change its value.

var descr = Object.getOwnPropertyDescription(object, name);
if (!descr.configurable && !decsr.writable && ('value' in descr)) {
  var value = descr.value;
  setInterval(function() {
    // Must never change
    assert(object[name] === value);

Therefore there is no such thing as an immutable live NodeList.

There are ways around this.

1. Use a getter
2. Make it configurable


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