* Anne van Kesteren wrote:
>I plan on making these two changes:
>* Instead of saying "If the request entity body has been successfully  
>uploaded" I will say "If the request entity body has been fully  
>transmitted" to make it clear we do not need to wait for the response. I  
>think that was the original intent, I just did not know how to word it  
>properly. I think "fully transmitted" should be clear, but if anyone has a  
>better idea that would be more than welcome.

With HTTP over TCP you would need a response on the TCP level to tell
whether the server actually received the upload completely, and con-
ceptually you want to deliver the whole Request message successfully;
the entity body is enveloped in the Request message. I am not sure why
you would even discuss HTTP Request message separately from Response
messages for progress events, but in any case, if you want it to be
clear that this is about HTTP message delivery on the transport level,
and not about HTTP application level "success", you should make this
more explicit than through subtle choice of words.

Something like "when the Request message has been delivered, even if
the server has not yet begun transmitting a Response message, and re-
gardless of the status code ..." does not leave much room for inter-
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