
Last September, some obsolescence text was added to the DOM 2 Views REC:


*Document Status Update 2011-09-22*: This paragraph is informative. The concepts this document defines are obsolete. The 'document' and 'defaultView' attributes are defined in the HTML5 <> specification with simplified semantics. The Web Applications Working Group <> encourages implementation of these concepts as defined by HTML5.

I think the proponents for adding obsolescence text to the other RECs should make a specific proposal for each REC.


On 1/23/12 4:01 AM, ext Ms2ger wrote:
Hi all,

The recent message to www-dom about DOM2HTML [1] made me realize that we still haven't added warnings to obsolete DOM specifications to hopefully avoid that people use them as a reference.

I propose that we add a pointer to the contemporary specification to the following specifications:

* DOM 2 Core (DOM4)
* DOM 2 Views (HTML)
* DOM 2 Events (D3E)
* DOM 2 Style (CSSOM)
* DOM 2 Traversal and Range (DOM4)
* DOM 3 Core (DOM4)

and a recommendation against implementing the following specifications:

* DOM 3 Load and Save
* DOM 3 Validation

Hearing no objections, I'll try to move this forward.



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