Hi All - I just chatted with Ms2ger in IRC about his proposal [1]. Ms2ger will submit proposed text to the list so we should probably hold off on additional comments until we get that proposal.

(I agree rescinding is not what we want to do for these specs.)


[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2012JanMar/0245.html

On 1/24/12 7:26 AM, ext Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 11:02:55 +0100, Ms2ger <ms2...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 01/24/2012 01:58 AM, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
* Ms2ger wrote:
The recent message to www-dom about DOM2HTML [1] made me realize that we still haven't added warnings to obsolete DOM specifications to hopefully avoid that people use them as a reference.

If you want to say more than that the specifications are no longer being
maintained and which newer specifications might contain more recent de-
finitions for the features covered you will have to create a process for
that first (it would require Advisory Committee review for instance, as
otherwise you are likely to create unnecessary drama).

I should have been clearer; this is indeed all I intend to say.

OK, this looks like the sort of message that Opera would support. As Art said, I think we need individual proposals per spec.

And I am not sure that rescinding specs we don't like much is necessarily a good idea.


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