On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 1:20 AM, Simon Pieters <sim...@opera.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 04 Apr 2012 18:37:46 +0200, Jonas Sicking <jo...@sicking.cc>
> wrote:
>  Sounds great to me. The ports attribute is basically useless except in
>> this
>> one instance since ports are these days expose as part of structured
>> clones.
>> Avoiding using it in this arguably weird way in this one instance seems
>> like a win to me.
> I'd like to have an opinion from WebKit and Microsoft about this proposal.
> Can someone comment or cc relevant people, please?

FWIW this to me seems like a good improvement to the intuitiveness.  Since
a MessageEvent interface is being used, qualifying that *source* WindowProxy
is populated is all that's needed?

> cheers
>  / Jonas
>> On Wednesday, April 4, 2012, Simon Pieters wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>> In Opera Extensions we use something that resembles shared workers. One
>>> modification is that the 'connect' event's source port is exposed in
>>> .source instead of in .ports[0], to make it closer to the API for
>>> cross-document messaging. Maybe we should make this change to Shared
>>> Workers as well.
>>> I think shared workers hasn't seen wide adoption yet, so maybe changes
>>> like this are still possible.
>>> What do people think?
>>> currently:
>>> onconnect = function(e) { e.ports[0].postMessage('pong') }
>>> proposed change:
>>> onconnect = function(e) { e.source.postMessage('pong') }
>>> --
>>> Simon Pieters
>>> Opera Software
> --
> Simon Pieters
> Opera Software

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