On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 6:07 PM, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:

> On 5/14/12 8:55 PM, Gregg Tavares (勤) wrote:
>>    1)  Various canvas 2d context methods depend on the styles of the
>>    canvas to define how they actually behave.  Clearly this would need
>>    some sort of changes for Workers anyway; the question is what those
>>    changes would need to be.
>> Which methods are these?
> Anything involving setting color (e.g. the strokeStyle setter, the
> fillStyle setter), due to "currentColor".  Anything involving text because
> font styles come from the element or document.

Good to know.

That doesn't sound like a showstopper though. If a canvas/CanvasSurface is
available in workers the simplest solution would just be that
"currentColor" defaults to something "black?" or nothing "". Pick one.

> Those are the ones that come to mind offhand, but I haven't looked at the
> various recent additions to the 2d context closely.
> -Boris

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