On 5/14/2012 7:24 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
On 5/14/12 10:18 PM, Charles Pritchard wrote:
On 5/14/2012 7:09 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
On 5/14/12 10:00 PM, Charles Pritchard wrote:
What would web fonts do in this situation, in Mozilla?

Probably cry. ;)

If I've confirmed that a font is loaded in the main thread, would it
be available to a
worker for use in rendering?

Not without some pretty serious reworking. Which might need to happen.

Of course basic text layout would also not be available without some
serious reworking (e.g. making the textrun cache threadsafe or
creating per-thread textrun caches or something), so the question of
web fonts is somewhat academic at the moment.

I meant solely for Canvas 2d.

Yes, I understand that. Canvas 2d text still needs to be able to do things like font fallback, shaping, bidi, etc, etc, etc. last I checked.

Oh, the rendering isn't thread safe either? Yes, Canvas 2d text does [is supposed to] use all of those items.

Well, I'll give up strokeText/fillText entirely in workers if it'll get me the goods faster. For a11y, I'm going to need to track my text in the main thread anyway. I can pre-render there if need be.


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