On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 12:03 PM, Brian Kardell <bkard...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think the responses/questions are getting confused.  I'm not sure about
> others, but my position is actually not that complicated:  This feature has
> been out there and interoperable for quite a while - it is prefixed
> everywhere and called matchesSelector.

No, it's called *MatchesSelector, where * is various vendor prefixes.

> Some potentially significant group
> of people assumed that when it was unprefixed it would be called "matches"
> and others "matchesSelector".

Regardless of what they assumed, there's presumably a case to handle
older browsers that don't support it at all.  If the scripts guessed
wrongly about what the unprefixed name would be, then they'll fall
into this case anyway, which should be okay.

If they didn't support down-level browsers at all, then they're
already broken for a lot of users, so making them broken for a few
more shouldn't be a huge deal. ^_^


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