Hi Arun,

First, thanks for tracking the File API LC comments and for maintaining the comment tracking doc [1]!

Since it appears you will not be at WebApps' f2f meeting next week, I would appreciate it if you would please summarize the status of the comment processing, your next steps, etc. I am especially interested in whether or not you consider any of the bug fixes you applied as "substantive" and/or add a new feature (which would require a new LC).

-Thanks, ArtB

[1] <http://www.w3.org/wiki/Webapps/LCWD-FileAPI-20130912>

On 9/12/13 10:39 AM, ext Arthur Barstow wrote:
[ Bcc public-sysapps ; comments from SysApps are welcome ]

This is a Request for Comments for the 12 September 2013 Last Call
Working Draft of File API:


The comment deadline is October 24 and all comments should be sent to
the public-webapps@w3.org list with a subject: prefix of "[FileAPI]".

The spec's bug list is [Bugs] and the few `approved` tests we have can
be run in a browser at [Tests].

-Thanks, ArtB

[Bugs] <http://tinyurl.com/Bugs-FileAPI>
[Tests] <http://w3c-test.org/web-platform-tests/master/FileAPI/>

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