On 04/09/14 14:31, James M. Greene wrote:
>> The sole reason for these sync
> XHRs, if you recall the OP, is to pull in libraries that are only
>> referenced deep in a call stack, so as to avoid having to include
>> *all* the libraries in the initial download.
> If that is true, wouldn't it better for him to switch over to ES6 Module
> imports and an appropriate transpiler, for now?
> I'm a bit confused as to why it doesn't appear this idea was ever mentioned.

I believe it's simply because ES6 Modules are not fully implemented in
browsers yet. But yes, with the timescale discussed, I agree that ES6
Modules are certainly the best long-term choice for this specific use case.


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

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