> I think there are several different scenarios under consideration.
> 1. The author says Content-Length 100, writes 50 bytes, then closes the 
> stream.

Depends on what exactly "closing the stream" does:

(1) Closing the stream includes closing the the TCP connection => the
body of the HTTP message is incomplete, so the server should avoid
processing it;  no response is returned.

(2) Closing the stream includes half-closing the the TCP connection =>
the body of the HTTP message is incomplete, so the server should avoid
processing it;  a 400 Bad Request response would be adequate.  (In
particular cases where partial bodies would be acceptable, perhaps it
might be different.)

(3) Closing the stream does nothing with the underlying TCP connection
=> the server will wait for the remaining bytes (perhaps until a timeout).

> 2. The author says Content-Length 100, writes 50 bytes, and never closes the 
> stream.

The server will wait for the remaining bytes (perhaps until a timeout).

> 3. The author says Content-Length 100, writes 150 bytes, then closes the 
> stream.

The server thinks that the message is finished after the first 100 bytes
and tries to process them normally.  The last 50 bytes are interpreted
as the beginning of a new (pipelined) request, and the server will
generate a 400 Bad Request response.

> 4. The author says Content-Length 100 , writes 150 bytes, and never closes 
> the stream.

This case should be similar to the previous one.

IMO, exposing such degree of (low level) control should be avoided.  In
cases where the size of the body is known beforehand, Content-Length
should be generated automatically;  in cases where it is not, chunked
encoding should be used.

Rui Prior

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