On 1/13/15 12:10 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
Hmm. So given the current direction whereby ES6 constructors may not even be
[[Call]]-able at all, I'm not sure we have any great options here. :(
Basically, ES6 is moving toward coupling allocation and initialization but the
upgrade scenario can't really be expressed by coupled alloc+init if it
preserves object identity, right?
Yes, that is my feeling exactly. The old @@create design was perfect for our
purposes, since its two-stage allocation-then-initialization could be staged
Just to be clear, this still didn't allow you to upgrade a <my-img> to
be a subclass of <img>, because that required a change in allocation, right?
Well, I was skipping several steps and making a few assumptions. Roughly, my
thought process was that you want *some* constructor that corresponds to
parser/document.createElement behavior. And, since as discussed it definitely
can't be your own constructor
This is the part I'm not quite following. Why can't it be your own
constructor? Sorry for losing the thread of the argument here....