On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 12:51 PM, Marc Fawzi <marc.fa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i agree that it's not a democratic process and even though some W3C/TAG
> people will engage you every now and then the end result is the browser
> vendors and even companies like Akamai have more say than the users and
> developers

Developers actually have more say than any other party in this process.

Browsers are not interested in shipping any APIs that developers
aren't going to use. Likewise they are not going to remove any APIs
that developers are using (hence sync XHR is not going to go anywhere,
no matter what the spec says).

Sadly W3C and the developer community has not yet figured out a good
way to communicate.

But here's where you can make a difference!

Please do suggest problems that you think needs to be solved. With new
specifications that are still in the development phase, with existing
specifications that have problems, and with specifications that
doesn't exist yet but you think should.

Looking forward to your constructive contributions.

/ Jonas

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