This is literally reinventing Selectors at this point.  The solution
to "we don't think it's worth implementing *all* of Selectors" is to
define a subset of supported Selectors, not to define a brand new
mechanism that's equivalent to selectors but with a new syntax.

On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 10:21 AM, Justin Fagnani
<> wrote:
> Another technique I've seen used is compound selectors, which could be used
> to migrate from one selector to another while preserving backwards
> compatibility, or to provide some nice default distributions that are also
> accessible via a class or attribute (ie, select="header, .header").
> Could slots have multiple names to support something like this?
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 10:16 AM, Justin Fagnani <>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 10:40 PM, Ryosuke Niwa <> wrote:
>>> > On Apr 21, 2015, at 10:23 PM, Justin Fagnani <>
>>> > wrote:
>>> >
>>> > I do want the ability to redirect distributed nodes into a holes in the
>>> > base template, so that part is welcome to me. However, my first reaction 
>>> > to
>>> > the slot idea is that forcing users to add the content-slot attribute on
>>> > children significantly impairs the DOM API surface area of custom 
>>> > elements.
>>> >
>>> > For the single-level distribution case, how is this different from
>>> > <content select="[content-slot=name]"> except that content select can
>>> > distribute based on features of the children that might already exist, 
>>> > like
>>> > tag names or an attribute?
>>> At the conceptual level, they're equivalent.  However, we didn't find the
>>> extra flexibility of using CSS selectors compelling as we mentioned in our
>>> proposal [1].
>> I personally would like to see more power, especially positional
>> selectors. Some components would be better off selecting their first child,
>> rather than requiring a class.
>>> [1] See points 3 and 4 in
>> Point 4 is interesting, because unless I'm missing something (which could
>> be!) it's incorrect. You can create selectors with :not() that exclude the
>> content selectors that come after in document order. I would rewrite the
>> example as:
>> <template>
>>   <content select=".header"></content>
>>   <content select=":not(.footer)"></content>
>>   <content select=".footer"></content>
>> </template>
>> Cheers,
>>   Justin
>>> - R. Niwa

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