Hello WP,

We're looking for a new editor for the Custom Elements spec [1].

Dimitri Glazkov has stepped down as editor and will be greatly missed in the
role. Thank you for all your hard work Dimitri, you helped make Custom
Elements happen and it's very much appreciated.

Domenic Denicola briefly stepped into the role, but regretfully he has since
declined to work within the W3C community [2].

Which means we're looking for someone (or more than one someone) to edit
Custom Elements. Web Components are a key part of the Web Platform, so it's
an interesting time to be part of the group working on Custom Elements (and
Shadow DOM).

If you're interested, email team-webplatf...@w3.org and let us know.
Knowledge of the spec is a good thing, but don't worry if you don't have any
editing experience - we can get you up to speed.

[1] https://w3c.github.io/webcomponents/spec/custom/

@LeonieWatson tink.uk Carpe diem.

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