I do think the most compelling case for renaming the field is having
feedback from plugin writers to do so and also the desire to reduce
complexity for plugin writers. Honestly, I am on the fence about renaming
the field.

Just to clarify, is anyone a hard -1 on renaming id?


On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 5:32 PM, Brian Bouterse <bbout...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 5:11 PM, David Davis <davidda...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 4:50 PM, Brian Bouterse <bbout...@redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Silly question, but could we just call our 'id' 'pk' instead? Since that
>>> is a fully reserved value in Django for the primary key it seems clearest
>>> to just use that? What about that?
>> Are you recommending we rename the id field to pk in the database? I’m
>> not sure if that would work.
> I'm wondering if its possible yes. #django says it is but they've been
> wrong before. I haven't had a chance to test it.
>>> On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 3:44 PM, Jeff Ortel <jor...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> On 06/08/2018 02:57 PM, Brian Bouterse wrote:
>>>>> @jortel: We're blocked on your -1 vote expressed for 3704. We have
>>>>> practical plugin writer issues with the current state. Can you elaborate 
>>>>> on
>>>>> why we shouldn't go forward with https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3704
>>>> The 'ID' column is reserved for the primary key and is inappropriate
>>>> for natural keys.  This is well establish convention and best practice.
>>> I don't understand this reasoning. Earlier in the thread we discussed
>>> how the sources recommending these conventions also mention that if we have
>>> a practical reason or problem with that convention to do something
>>> differently. We received complaints on this name about collisions so I
>>> don't follow how we should still follow the convention.
>>>> Plugin writers specify natural keys.  Also, by introducing '_' prefix
>>>> (or any prefix) means a table could have both 'ID' and '_ID' columns which
>>>> is especially confusing since the 'ID' column would not be the primary key.
>>> We have two concepts here that are similar, so I think that problem is
>>> mostly unrelated to this decision. For example, if we leave the names as-is
>>> we have this problem only now it's named id and errata_id and in addition
>>> we'll have the problems listed below.
>>>> How does naming the natural key for an rpm as 'rpm_id' cause a
>>>> significant problem for plugin writers?
>>> It's a good question because it's the whole motivation for this change.
>>> It's not an rpm, it's an erratum which doesn't have nevra like a package.
>>> It's also the problem from another content type I heard about at Config
>>> Management Camp.
>>> It causes problems in two ways:
>>> * plugin users (not writers) who are familiar with 'id' as part of the
>>> erratum data type would then have to also understand this field name
>>> renaming that Pulp arbitrarily introduces. This could get confusing when
>>> the user submit a filter with id='ID-2115858' and they find nothing because
>>> 'id' is matching on the primary key not on the 'id' attribute of the errata
>>> like they expect. Those users would also be Pulp users so they'll
>>> understand that _id means the pk.
>> By the same logic, if Pulp users know that id means pk, wouldn’t they
>> therefore understand that the id is not the erratum id?
> Yes by that logic they probably would know, but the actual errata field is
> named 'id' so my it's more about a correctness problem than confusion. A
> correctness problem that passes along to users. If we're going to have
> confusing names, let's pick names that allow for alignment with the names
> already chosen by content types which commonly do use 'id'. Plugin writer's
> aren't in control of those names; they already are chosen by content types.
>>> * plugins specifically may wrap other tools and now they have to
>>> maintain mappings as well. This is specifically the case with errata which
>>> the data model is design to be name-for-name identical to the createrepo_c
>>> interface
>> Mapping one field to another seems rather minor. Or am I missing
>> something?
> After 22 emails on this thread it feels like a mountain out of a molehill.
> I don't mean to waste people's time and energy. The reason I continue to
> advocate for it is because when two, independent plugin writers give
> feedback suggesting change, even small change, we should adopt it. The
> complexity is minor, but it's there. I've always believed minimizing
> complexity has been our goal.
>>>> @bmbouters: just curious, where does the rpm 'id' come from and how is
>>>> it used differently than the NEVREA composite natural key.
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