I got the LDAP users both authenticating and importing into Pulp! Next I'll
do the groups and then I think the ldap parts will be done.

FYI: I'm going to write up the implementation design and have that come
with this proof of concept code . This will let us know what choices it
makes, why it makes them, and we can determine if these are the right
choices together.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 4:57 PM Brian Bouterse <bmbou...@redhat.com> wrote:

> I got a lot further on this today. I have the test ldap setup with several
> test users and groups. I have django-auth-ldap configured mostly
> authenticating username/password against ldap instead of the internal
> database first. Once that is fully working the users will auto-populate
> into django and the groups should follow easily.
> Once that's done I'll be unblocked to finish the RBAC PoC. The rest of the
> parts are straightforward given the testing I've already done. More updates
> to come.
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 5:03 PM Brian Bouterse <bmbou...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> I got the ldap reference implementation performing auth really nicely
>> against a test ldap with this guide:
>> https://www.nginx.com/blog/nginx-plus-authenticate-users/ Now there are
>> some new challenges though:
>> * Great that we can auth users, but we need nginx to extract-and-forward
>> the group information to Pulp itself. That way a middleware can create the
>> user AND group info in the backend.
>> * we have to figure this out all again in Apache...
>> Maybe we should be integrating Pulp directly against django-auth-ldap
>> [0]. I am going to try that next. The work I've done isn't 100% reusable
>> there, but most of it is because the test server and configs I used can all
>> be reused directly with django-auth-ldap. The concern with this approach is
>> that we would be supporting LDAP (and transitively Active Directory) but
>> are there other directory services Pulp needs to support?
>> I also emailed Bin Li asking for info on how their user and group
>> management works.
>> On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 11:48 AM Adrian Likins <alik...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 8:23 PM Brian Bouterse <bmbou...@redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> 1) django admin (the built in django UI) will be the mechanism
>>>> administrators use to assign permissions to users and groups. This means
>>>> the use of django admin with pulp is very likely (to me).
>>>> Hopefully https://github.com/pulp/pulpcore/pull/705 will be useful
>>> here.
>>>> 2) externally defined users and groups will need to be "replicated" to
>>>> django's db at login time, probably using headers from the webserver This
>>>> is consistent w/ the approach recommended here:
>>>> https://www.adelton.com/django/external-authentication-for-django-projects
>>> This is more or less what galaxy_ng ends up doing, at least for the
>>> scenarios where it runs hosted with external SSO.
>>> https://github.com/ansible/galaxy_ng/blob/master/galaxy_ng/app/auth/auth.py#L51
>>>  for
>>> example.
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