Today I got the "sync" RBAC working, but I need to give it some more
thought. The extra challenge with this parts is that "having permission to
read a Remote" is already defined in one place, on FileRemoteAccessPolicy,
yet the AccessPolicy that needs to perform the enforcement is
FileRepositoryAccessPolicy for its "sync" action. This is a bit challenging
considering the following goals:

* We don't want to duplicate code, e.g. having the
FileRepositoryAccessControl begin to inspect permissions for FileRemote
directly, when FileRemoteAccessPolicy already does that
* Currently permissions are granted at two levels: Model-level and
File-level permissions and permissions are granted from either level.
* We want to keep the policy in charge. If we start to bury the behavior in
methods and functions then policy writers are no longer in control.

All of ^ together tells me that I should work on creating two things next:
1) A way for policy writers to express which parameter refers to objects
that also need their permissions checked. For example the policy should be
able to say "remote is a parameter and it needs X permission". This is akin
to the has_module_level_perms and has_obj_level_perms here except we also
need to identify which parameter is being checked instead of the object the
AccessPolicy itself governs.
2) A single way to check model-level and object-level permissions at once
and allow if *either* passes. We would still allow policy writers to call
either model-level or file-level checks also.

I'll work on ^ next. Ideas and feedback are welcome. I pushed no new code
today because it's a mess and not runnable at my stopping point.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 6:18 PM Brian Bouterse <> wrote:

> Here's another push to the branch (it includes the following additions):
> * A FileRepositoryAccessPolicy which provides RBAC for Repositories (not
> yet sync)
> * A new Mixin allowing the two policies to share some common components
> Next up:
> * have the pup_file define the fileContentAdmin group programmatically
> * Extend the FileRepositoryAccessPolicy to restrict sync operations
> * Write up and organize the PoC into a clear, organized format
> Also of interest today @ttereshc and I had a great convo asking what to do
> about potential problems when we use Django groups to be a "role". My write
> up will address this in more detail than I can go into here. We are also
> looking at what the django-role-permissions project could offer us:
> I expect the PoC to be done by tomorrow and write-up by Monday, so I'm
> going to schedule the public review meeting for next week towards the end
> of the week.
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 5:49 PM Brian Bouterse <>
> wrote:
>> Moar progress! Today the following things got done: Today's changes are
>> available here:
>> * Got scoped querysets working! This restricts list views to only show
>> objects a user has permissions to view. A db reset was all that was needed
>> I think I didn't have all the changes in when I applied my earlier
>> migrations
>> * Added "detail view" restriction, and while it's in the policy and
>> working DRF does a strange thing on "retrieve" where if it's not in the
>> queryset (due to scoping ^) the user receives a 404, not a permission denied
>> * Got permissions cleaning up on resource deletion now too
>> Next up:
>> * have the pup_file define the fileContentAdmin group programmatically
>> * Make similar policies for FileRepository which governs itself and the
>> "sync" action
>> * Write up and organize the PoC into a clear, organized format
>> Questions and feedback are welcome!
>> On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 5:54 PM Brian Bouterse <>
>> wrote:
>>> Lots of progress today! I have a mostly-complete policy for RBAC for
>>> FileRemote. It's surprising how little code all of this ended up being.
>>> Here's the actual RBAC stuff, it's all in pulp_file:
>>> Here's the parts that go in core. Note the LDAP stuff is all optional,
>>> the only real requirement are two lines 1) enabling guardian in
>>> INSTALLED_APPS and 2) adding it as an AuthenticationBackend:
>>> I have some "how to use notes" here:
>>>  The idea is that it
>>> implements the FileRemote portions of this requirements docs:
>>> Here is the short list of things for FileRemote that still don't work.
>>> This is mainly so I remember what to do next. :)
>>> * The get_objects_for_user
>>> <>
>>> from DjangoGuardian I don't think it likes Master/Detail or maybe it's
>>> how/where I'm using it. I haven't yet debugged this. For this reason it
>>> doesn't provide list restriction
>>> * It still needs "detail view" restriction. This is straightforward.
>>> * The group should be programmatically defined, in this case it was
>>> "defined in LDAP". It could *also* live in LDAP (or other external group
>>> definition system) but the plugin builds permissions off of it so it should
>>> also define it. This is easy.
>>> Feedback is welcome. I'm going to continue building this and then
>>> schedule a public review of FileRemote, Content modification for file
>>> repos, and sync restriction next week.
>>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 5:14 PM Brian Bouterse <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> # ldap PoC updates
>>>> Now users, groups, and group membership are populating from ldap
>>>> automatically on login (with auth backed by ldap also)! I'll be sharing my
>>>> configs for both ldap and how to configure django-auth-ldap
>>>> <> here
>>>> soon in an organized way. This was done with django-auth-ldap and 0
>>>> customization to pulp code. It's 100% enabled through settings so this work
>>>> is more of an approach we can document for users that they can enable and
>>>> not a feature Pulp ships itself.
>>>> # django-admin progress
>>>> Thanks to @alikins existing PRs, I got django admin enabled and able to
>>>> view/edit users, groups, group membership, and permissions at both the user
>>>> and group levels. This is important because this will be the primary
>>>> mechanism of administrators. This part is looking good.
>>>> # new resources to help us out
>>>> Through collaboration with @ttereshc and someone off list named
>>>> @adelton (who actually authored this reference approach
>>>> <>
>>>> I referenced early on in this exploration), this very cool repository of
>>>> testing tools was identified:
>>>> It has a treasure trove of testing containers which Pulp devs in the future
>>>> can test against. It keeps the user/group check in the apache which is fine
>>>> alternative to the django-auth-ldap approach above. Pulp doesn't have to
>>>> choose, it could work with either just configured differently. The pending
>>>> PoC outline will go over these alternative approaches in detail.
>>>> # Next Steps:  back to the PoC itself
>>>> Now that we have demonstrated good options of external
>>>> users/groups/membership loading into Pulp we can confidently move back to
>>>> finishing the RBAC PoC itself. I've started back into this. So the
>>>> remaining work are the two steps below:
>>>> 1. Finish the PoC that uses RBAC to restrict remotes, sync, and
>>>> repository content modification. Currently I prototyped restriction of
>>>> operations on Remotes, but I need to replicate the access policies to
>>>> Repositories and Sync next.
>>>> 2. Write it up and share it.
>>>> 3. Schedule public meeting to review it (targeting next-week)
>>>> On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 5:09 PM Brian Bouterse <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I got the LDAP users both authenticating and importing into Pulp! Next
>>>>> I'll do the groups and then I think the ldap parts will be done.
>>>>> FYI: I'm going to write up the implementation design and have that
>>>>> come with this proof of concept code . This will let us know what choices
>>>>> it makes, why it makes them, and we can determine if these are the right
>>>>> choices together.
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 4:57 PM Brian Bouterse <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I got a lot further on this today. I have the test ldap setup with
>>>>>> several test users and groups. I have django-auth-ldap configured mostly
>>>>>> authenticating username/password against ldap instead of the internal
>>>>>> database first. Once that is fully working the users will auto-populate
>>>>>> into django and the groups should follow easily.
>>>>>> Once that's done I'll be unblocked to finish the RBAC PoC. The rest
>>>>>> of the parts are straightforward given the testing I've already done. 
>>>>>> More
>>>>>> updates to come.
>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 5:03 PM Brian Bouterse <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I got the ldap reference implementation performing auth really
>>>>>>> nicely against a test ldap with this guide:
>>>>>>> Now there
>>>>>>> are some new challenges though:
>>>>>>> * Great that we can auth users, but we need nginx to
>>>>>>> extract-and-forward the group information to Pulp itself. That way a
>>>>>>> middleware can create the user AND group info in the backend.
>>>>>>> * we have to figure this out all again in Apache...
>>>>>>> Maybe we should be integrating Pulp directly against
>>>>>>> django-auth-ldap [0]. I am going to try that next. The work I've done 
>>>>>>> isn't
>>>>>>> 100% reusable there, but most of it is because the test server and 
>>>>>>> configs
>>>>>>> I used can all be reused directly with django-auth-ldap. The concern 
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> this approach is that we would be supporting LDAP (and transitively 
>>>>>>> Active
>>>>>>> Directory) but are there other directory services Pulp needs to support?
>>>>>>> I also emailed Bin Li asking for info on how their user and group
>>>>>>> management works.
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 11:48 AM Adrian Likins <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 8:23 PM Brian Bouterse <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> 1) django admin (the built in django UI) will be the mechanism
>>>>>>>>> administrators use to assign permissions to users and groups. This 
>>>>>>>>> means
>>>>>>>>> the use of django admin with pulp is very likely (to me).
>>>>>>>>> Hopefully will be
>>>>>>>> useful here.
>>>>>>>>> 2) externally defined users and groups will need to be
>>>>>>>>> "replicated" to django's db at login time, probably using headers 
>>>>>>>>> from the
>>>>>>>>> webserver This is consistent w/ the approach recommended here:
>>>>>>>> This is more or less what galaxy_ng ends up doing, at least for the
>>>>>>>> scenarios where it runs hosted with external SSO.
>>>>>>>>  for
>>>>>>>> example.
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