Brian and Michael,
Sorry I didn't get a chance to review sooner.

The part that tripped me up (and I think the person who submitted the
original bug) was "The agent on the child node uses the local pulp REST API
which is secured using OAuth. The child node must have OAuth enabled and
configured." Even after I got it working, it wasn't clear to me why - now I

Your updates to both the "Child" and "Quick Start" sections clarify this,
so thank you!

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 12:11 PM, Brian Bouterse <>

> Today I merged a fix for the incorrect nodes quickstart docs. You'll see
> this in the GA docs for 2.10.1+.
> In the meantime, you can see the updated quickstart in the nightly docs
> for 2.10 here [0].
> Thanks for identifying the importance of that bug. We want the docs to be
> right so we don't waste the time of users.
> [0]:
> nodes.html#quick-start
> -Brian
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Michael Hrivnak" <>
> > To: "Christina Plummer" <>
> > Cc: "pulp-list" <>
> > Sent: Friday, October 7, 2016 5:17:42 PM
> > Subject: Re: [Pulp-list] pulp child - master sync not working
> >
> > Christina, thanks for reporting back with the solution. Brian opened a PR
> > today to update those docs. If you have a moment to look over those
> changes
> > and make sure they match the experience you had, that would be greatly
> > appreciated.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Michael
> >
> > On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 10:23 AM, Brian Bouterse < >
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> > Thank you so much for posting the info for others.
> >
> > Regarding the future of nodes, the current plan is to deprecate nodes
> with
> > Pulp 2.11 and remove it entirely from Pulp 3. The recommendation to
> users is
> > to replace their nodes usage with a "natural sync" where one pulp server
> > sync's content from a feed URL published by another pulp server.
> >
> > This should improve the setup and usage experience for pulp users who
> need to
> > move content between pulp servers. It should also reduce issues from bugs
> > because the natural sync codepaths receive large amounts of testing. Any
> > feedback on using natural sync as a nodes replacement would be great.
> >
> > -Brian
> >
> >
> > On 10/06/2016 06:03 PM, Christina Plummer wrote:
> >
> >
> > I finally discovered the issue - the documentation
> >
> > <
> highlight=nodes#child >
> > was
> > missing a critical step. It is necessary to configure the [oauth]
> > section of server.conf on BOTH the parent and the child nodes, not just
> > on the parent as indicated.
> >
> > There was a previous bugs opened related to this (where I ultimately
> > found my answer), but apparently the devs decided that they don't want
> > people using this functionality anymore so they are leaving the
> > documentation broken:
> >
> >
> > Posting here in case others run into the same problem.
> >
> > On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 7:36 PM, Christina Plummer <
> > <mailto: >> wrote:
> >
> > I am having the same problem with pulp-2.9.2, syncing from a RHEL7
> > parent to a RHEL6 child.
> >
> > I see that several folks have reached out to the list over the years
> > (and I saw several instances on pastebin), but I didn't see any good
> > answers.
> >
> > This is what I have in /var/log/messages on the child:
> >
> > Sep 15 23:32:08 my-child goferd: [INFO][pulp.agent.child-01]
> > gofer.messaging.adapter.connect:28 - connecting:
> > qpid+amqp://my-parent:5672
> > Sep 15 23:32:08 my-child goferd: [INFO][pulp.agent.child-01]
> > gofer.messaging.adapter.connect:30 - connected:
> > qpid+amqp://my-parent:5672
> > Sep 15 23:32:08 my-child goferd: [INFO][worker-0]
> > gofer.messaging.adapter.connect:28 - connecting:
> > qpid+amqp://my-parent:5672
> > Sep 15 23:32:08 my-child goferd: [INFO][worker-0]
> > gofer.messaging.adapter.qpid.connection:106 - open: URL:
> > amqp://my-parent|SSL: ca: None|key: None|certificate:
> > /etc/pki/pulp/consumer/consumer-cert.pem|host-validation: None
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [INFO][worker-0]
> > gofer.messaging.adapter.qpid.connection:118 - opened:
> > qpid+amqp://my-parent:5672
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [INFO][worker-0]
> > gofer.messaging.adapter.connect:30 - connected:
> > qpid+amqp://my-parent:5672
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [INFO][worker-0]
> > gofer.rmi.dispatcher:603 - call: Content.update()
> > sn=8c5dae0f-988e-41bc-bcbd-c63fbcef1331 data={'task_id':
> > 'c23271f5-c6c1-45e7-af99-cd61fc208192', 'consumer_id': 'child-01'}
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child pulp:
> > pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:INFO: Authentication
> > with username None failed: invalid SSL certificate.
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - synchronization failed
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - Traceback (most recent call last):
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - File
> > "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp_node/handlers/",
> > line 99, in synchronize
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 -
> > validator.validate(request.bindings)
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - File
> > "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp_node/handlers/",
> > line 38, in validate
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 -
> >
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - File
> > "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp_node/handlers/",
> > line 54, in _validate_plugins
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - child = ChildServer()
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - File
> > "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp_node/handlers/",
> > line 72, in __init__
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - self.importers =
> > self._importers()
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - File
> > "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp_node/handlers/",
> > line 83, in _importers
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - http =
> > bindings.server_info.get_importers()
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - File
> > "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp/bindings/",
> > line 31, in get_importers
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - return self.server.GET(path)
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - File
> > "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp/bindings/", line 92,
> > in GET
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - return self._request('GET',
> > path, queries, ignore_prefix=ignore_prefix)
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - File
> > "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp/bindings/", line
> > 166, in _request
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 -
> > self._handle_exceptions(response_code, response_body)
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - File
> > "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp/bindings/", line
> > 207, in _handle_exceptions
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - raise
> > code_class_mappings[response_code](response_body)
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.strategies:112 - PermissionsException:
> > RequestException: GET request on /pulp/api/v2/plugins/importers/
> > failed with 401 - Authentication with username None failed: invalid
> > SSL certificate.
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [ERROR][worker-0]
> > pulp_node.handlers.handler:92 - An unexpected error occurred.
> > repo_id=None
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [INFO][worker-0]
> > gofer.agent.rmi:193 - Request: 8c5dae0f-988e-41bc-bcbd-c63fbcef1331,
> > committed
> > Sep 15 23:32:09 my-child goferd: [INFO][worker-0]
> > gofer.agent.rmi:147 - Request: 8c5dae0f-988e-41bc-bcbd-c63fbcef1331
> > processed in: 1.019 (seconds)
> > Sep 15 23:32:10 my-child goferd: [INFO][worker-0]
> > gofer.messaging.adapter.qpid.connection:136 - closed:
> > qpid+amqp://my-parent:5672
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Jo De Troy <
> > <mailto: >> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've setup 2 pulp servers on CentOS 7.2 each of them is running
> > Pulp 2.8.3.
> > On the master I've synced some rpm repositories. When I try to
> > sync these to the child pulp server I keep getting the same error.
> >
> > Error occurred during synchronization, check the child node logs
> > for details
> >
> > +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> > Child Node Synchronization
> > +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> >
> > Repository:
> > Action: Pending
> > Content Sources:
> > Downloads:
> > Id: updates-repo
> > Units:
> > Added: 0
> > Removed: 0
> > Updated: 0
> >
> >
> > +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> > The following [1] errors were reported
> > +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> >
> > - 01: An unexpected error occurred. repo_id=None
> >
> > I've found the same error via Google multiple times, but I
> > didn't find a working solution. I've set verify_ssl = False in
> > several config files
> >
> > In the /var/log/messages I get
> > pulp: (9547-83232)
> > {'reboot': {'scheduled': False, 'details': {}}, 'details':
> > {'node': {'details': {'errors': [{'error_id': 'exception',
> > 'details': {'message': 'RequestException: GET request on
> > /pulp/api/v2/plugins/importers/ failed with 401 - Authentication
> > with username None failed: invalid SSL certificate.', 'repo_id':
> > None}}], ...
> >
> > Any idea what could be wrong? I've put the logging level to
> > debug, hoping to find the reason
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Jo
> >
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