Hi All,

I've been playing at this for a while, and I would appreciate your help to get 
this working.

I have a signal generator:

What I want to do is run StdAudio and make the output available in real-time 
via an ogg stream (targeted at the internet) for the duration of the run.

so, I'm doing the following:

# pactl load-module module-pipe-sink file=/tmp/drainpipe.out
# pacmd set-default-sink fifo_output

PROBLEM 1: when I do 'java StdAudio', I can hear the output from my sound-card 
and nothing comes out of /tmp/drainpipe.out

If I switch with the sound preferences in Gnome, the signal appears to head out 
on /tmp/drainpipe.out. If I hook up 'oggenc' on this I get something resembling 
what I would expect.

PROBLEM 2: the whole task ('java StdAudio' and 'oggenc') is over in a second or 
two. The duration of the 'sound' from StdAudio is ~10 seconds and what I'm 
aiming for is to drain audio from 'java StdAudio' at real-time, not as 'fast as 

If you can overlook my imprecise use of terms (drain, signal etc) I would 
really appreciate help with this :)

Best regards,

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