2011/10/10 Julius <mycommercials...@web.de>:
> Am 09.10.2011 21:49, schrieb Maarten Bosmans:
>> 2011/10/9 Julius<mycommercials...@web.de>:
>>> hi,
>>> i would like to redirect the output from totem to line-in and use line-in
>>> as
>>> input for teamspeak3 to "send" mp3's.
>> Wow, two more or less the same questions on the same day.
>>> currently ive set ts3 to get the input from "monitor of internal
>>> audio..." -
>>> this works, but this also means that when persons talk in the room it
>>> gets
>>> echoed back.
>>> how do you accomplish this?
>> Play totem to a null-sink and record from its monitor.
> ive looked at pavucontrol, but i dont even see a way to send the output
> somewhere else...where can i do that?

First you need to set up a null sink.

Only when you have multiple outputs, you can switch streams between
them in pavucontrol.

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