Yes, I see the contradiction. Thanks for noticing it. Indeed, I have
misremembered the forum post that prompted me to investigate the bug.

In that forum post, the microphone actually worked, but the speakers
didn't, because the device supports only multi-channel output. also talks about
device that only supports multi-channel output.

Anyway, even for stereo devices, there was a "Unable to find
definition 'cards.USB-Audio.pcm.front:CARD=1'" error in the log and an
unneeded fallback from front to hw.

2017-01-11 5:06 GMT+05:00 Tanu Kaskinen <>:
> On Tue, 2017-01-10 at 04:35 +0500, Alexander E. Patrakov wrote:
>> 2017-01-09 1:05 GMT+05:00 Tanu Kaskinen <>:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > The first draft of the 10.0 release notes is now complete:
>> >
>> >
>> > If you think something should be added or removed or changed, please
>> > reply to this mail or just edit the wiki.
>> I think it should be mentioned that the long-standing bug with ALSA
>> device hotplug has been fixed.
>> This bug affected hot-plugging any USB microphone or non-stereo
>> speakers, i.e. anything that uses ALSA device other than "hw:".
> Yes, mentioning that seems like a good idea. But first a request for
> clarification: pulseaudio uses "hw:" for microphones, so your
> description above seems contradictory.
> --
> Tanu
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Alexander E. Patrakov
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