Thanks Tanu,

Yes it is 100% reproducible for me. I cloned latest pulseaudio from git.

root@sat:/home/svt# pulseaudio --version
pulseaudio 10.0-167-gbbac

Let me know i want to try out something.


On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 7:43 PM, Tanu Kaskinen <> wrote:
> On Mon, 2017-06-19 at 12:37 +0530, mohammed rilwan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Ubuntu 17.04 as Bluetooth headset.
>> Android phone conencted to ubuntu via bluetooth.
>> incoming call to android phone.
>> pulseaudio crashes while audio call disconnects.
>> What could be the issue ?
> There are two "Bad file descriptor" errors for two different file
> descriptors at the same time. One is for an alsa fd and the other one
> is probably an asyncmsgq fd of the alsa sink. My wild guess is that the
> pollfd array that is stored in the alsa sink's pa_rtpoll struct gets
> corrupted. That can be hard to debug, if it's some unrelated code that
> has a bug that makes it write to a random memory location... If the
> problem is reproducible, I would start by logging all changes to the
> pollfd array and the final array contents at the time of the crash to
> see if the array contents have changed to something unexpected.
> --
> Tanu
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