Sean Greenslade wrote on 5/26/20 3:07 PM:
- In your original configuration, you had me create just one loopback
module.  In your more complicated setup, there appear to be 3 in total. Do I
just use the original
        pacmd load-module module-loopback sink=virt_mix
command to create the other 2 but change the sink?

Yes, every time you call that command, you load another loopback module.
The sink= and source= options let you specify the initial state of the

Hi Sean,

I took the diagram you made for me[1] and updated it with the PulseAudio commands I think I need to implement it:

Steps 1 and 2 were the ones you gave my in your very first reply[2]. I've just updated the sink_name and device.description to match the diagram.

Step 3 creates the other virtual sink. Hopefully I got those commands correct.

I'm struggling, however, with the command syntax to create the other two loopback modules. I'm not sure how to craft the sink= option for those or whether they are even required.

Any ideas or suggestions for those?

Thanks again.

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