On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 9:27 PM Matt Feifarek <matt.feifa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My guess is that it's likely in the amp; did you try hooking up the Topping 
> to the new pi? Or, the converse; hook the amp up to the workstation and see 
> if you see a delay?

I have a bad feeling that might indeed be the problem, but wanted to
eliminate any possible problem with my software config first.
Swapping the RPI 3 and 4 is indeed a perfectly valid suggestion.
Admittedly, I haven't done that because it's a lot of hardware
reworking, was hoping to deduce the program with only config changes
and such (ok, ok, I'm lazy!).

> Does the Pi have a USB soundcard, or a "hat" sort of thing? Some of the hats 
> have buffers in them to reclock the audio signal; this can add a delay too. 
> I'm not familiar with the MA12070P, but as it's I2S, maybe it is adding a 
> buffer.

The ma12070p is a newish digital input (I2S) class D amplifier
(essentially, a "power DAC" or a DAC and amplifier in one chip).
Between the RPI and amp is an Allo Kali I2S reclocker.  I don't think
the Kali adds any meaningful latency, as I've used it extensively with
other I2S DACs, and never before noticed lag.  I do know that the
various controls of the ma12070p (volume, I2S format, etc etc) are
done via the I2C serial bus, which I don't believe is a
high-speed/low-latency bus.

> You can login to the pi over ssh and turn up logging to a very verbose degree 
> and watch it, you'll see messages about measured latency, probably both on 
> the "server" (the Pi) and on the client (your workstation).

Good idea, I will do that and report back.

> Regarding your last question, you could certainly login to the Pi, put a wav 
> file over there, and do "paplay file.wav" and see if the delay after hitting 
> enter "feels" the same as over the network. My guess is that it will.

I did that both directly on the RPI server, and the workstation client
as well.  It does seem like there is a lag doing paplay directly on
the server.  The lag might be slightly greater on the client, but I
wouldn't swear to it.  (It's one of those things that's so simple and
trivial, yet when I do it multiple times in a row, I start
second-guessing myself, kind of like when you say the same word over
and over again, it starts to sound foreign after enough repetitions.)

> If the delay can't be worked around, there might be ways to tell the pulse 
> audio stack to account for it in playback to get for example your YouTube to 
> sync up right. I know that VLC can do this.

It might come to that.  I'll continue to investigate, see if I can
conclusively determine if that's the fundamental issue.

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