Dear all,

I've managed to solve my Bluetooth issue. My headset is now working both in HSP/HFP and A2DP (LDAC) mode. I did reinstall all dependencies of my bluetooth setup:

|sudo apt-get update||
sudo apt-get purge bluez libldac pulseaudio-modules-bt # Remove packages||
sudo apt-get autoremove # Cleanup||
sudo apt-get reinstall -y libfdk-aac-dev libavcodec-dev libpulse-dev libdbus-1-dev libsbc-dev libltdl-dev libbluetooth-dev # Renistall as some of these cannot be purged||
sudo apt-get install bluez libldac pulseaudio-modules-bt||
sudo reboot # Might not be nessecary|

And changed settings in `|sudo gedit /etc/pulse/`|according to the manual of `pulseaudio-modules-bt`. I have a single remaining question, how to reset all audio related configuration files? I tried
sudo apt-cache pkgnames pulse |xargs -n 1 sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" install --reinstall|

But apparently I did not reset all my configuration files, afterall `|/etc/pulse/|` did still have some edits afterwards. I cannot `purge` pulseaudio either, as it is a prerequisite of ao gnome (ubuntu flavour).
What is the best way of resetting al user and system config files?

Kind regards,
Bram Lagerweij

Op 02-04-2021 om 02:30 schreef Bram Lagerweij:

Dear pulseaudio,

I've, for year's, been happily working with pulseaudio on ubuntu. Recently an issue appeared with the combination with my headset Sony WH-H900N. It used to work in the following two profiles:

 1. HSP/HFP mode with microphone & sound
 2. A2DP for high quality sound only (I combine this with an LDAC profile)

I'm not sure since when, but I'm profile 1 is not working any more. The microphone is, but the sound does not come through. I do hear more static when it switches to the HSP/HFP profile but nothing that I play gets to sound from the headset. The exact problem, and the related issue search is documented as askubuntu <>. Do you know what is wrong and how to fix it? Did anything regarding HSP/HFP change on the pulseaudio side. Or could you help me getting to the exact cause of the problem?

Kind Regards,
Bram Lagerweij

askubuntu link: <>

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