On Sun, 2009-06-07 at 01:32 +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> Hmm, could you try to play around with oprofile a bit to find out
> where exactly PA starts to spin?
> http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/HowToUseOProfile

I tried this.  I had to use the --no-vmlinux option:

$ sudo opcontrol --no-vmlinux

Then I did:

$ sudo opcontrol --start

and then resumed my audio application.  Unfortunately it did not put PA
into a loop, so I paused my audio app and did:

$ sudo opcontrol --stop

and then

$ sudo opcontrol --start

and then resumed my app.  Still no CPU eating loop.  I had to repeat the
above a few times before PA would again chew the CPU.

So I let PA and my audio app run for a while chewing the CPU, however:

$ sudo opreport -l /usr/bin/pulseaudio

only produces:

opreport error: basic_string::erase

I must have gone wrong somewhere.  Any ideas?


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