On Nov 3, 2008, at 1:55 PM, Brice Figureau wrote:

> I'm currently working on it, unfortunately I'm stumbling across an  
> issue.:
> I want the rdoc generator to be independent of any configuration (ie
> modulepath), so that we can point it at any directory and let it scan.
> That means that I have to find an heuristic that says, this manifest
> file is part of a module or this manifest is part of the global  
> 'site' part.
> My first thought was to check that there is a 'files' and a  
> 'templates'
> directory in the same path as the manifests dir. For an unknown reason
> some of my own modules only have the manifests directory, so it seems
> Puppet doesn't enforce the presence of this dirs.
> Hence, I can't use this heuristic as is.
> I can check for a 'modules' directory and infer from that I'm  
> scanning a
> module, but that seems quite artificial and error-prone.
> Any idea of a better heuristic, or should I bite the bullet and use  
> the
> current puppet.conf to check for modulepath?

That's probably the best choice for now, unfortunately.

You could do the "right" (and thus, as always, harder) thing, which is  
to automatically associate the classes with the modules they were  
generated from, but I think this is relatively hard, design-wise.  It  
would likely involve a complete refactor of Module, which is long past  
due but non-trivial.

All manifests are searched for using Puppet::Module.find_manifests,  
and right now it's a pretty simplistic method, but it could be  
modified to return information about where the manifests were found.

Then you mark the parser in some way when you're parsing, so that as  
classes are created you know which module they're from.

I unfortunately haven't thought about this enough to have a real  
design, though, so I think for now, you'll have to stick with checking  
for whether the file begins with a path in the module path.  Note  
that :modulepath is a colon-separated list, not just a single value.

An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made
in a very narrow field. - Niels Bohr
Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://madstop.com

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