Luke Kanies <> writes:

> External data (that is, data specified outside of Puppet manifests) seems to
> keep coming up.

If you forgive me banging my own drum, it isn't just /external/ data; access
to data that puppet knows, like facts of other nodes, is equally valuable in
some use cases.

eg: "give me an array of fqdn facts for hosts including example::service"

I hit that when I run into trying to build multi-system services, for
availability or scalability, but questions of this sort are relatively common
in the user list too.


FWIW, though, I agree with your general breakdown of the requirements.  From
an end-user perspective I would agree those would meet most of my use cases,
other than as outlined above.

> So, the questions become, what should we do here, and are any of the
> solutions we have right now good enough to ship today?
> extlookup currently uses CSV for external data, and I don't think most users
> will want to use that.  At the least, any long-term answer needs  to support
> something more user-friendly like YAML.

YAML, or some XML format, would be nice from my perspective; either of them
much better represents the complexities encountered in real-world data.

A couple of examples to support that are:

In managing Apache modules across platforms, we need to perform two major
tasks: install the module, and enable the module.

The first one is the most complex: it means at least one, maybe more packages
for the module; the second is one, maybe two, configuration bits and pieces.

Using CSV would ... work, but it would be flattening this data structure:

    - libapache2-mod-fastcgi
    - libfcgi-perl  # ok, so not strictly required. ;)


✣ Daniel Pittman            ✉            ☎ +61 401 155 707
               ♽ made with 100 percent post-consumer electrons

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