On 2014-27-01 4:00, Pawel Tomulik wrote:

macros in puppets -> http://forge.puppetlabs.com/ptomulik/macro

They're similar to parser functions with three differences:

  * macro names may resemble names of puppet variables/bindings, e.g.
  * stored in a hierarchy of directories, that is (for macro

       + lib/puppet/parser/macros/
         + foo/
           + bar/
             + geez.rb

  * they're a little bit easier to implement than functions, because
    arity checking is provided out of the box

In some cases these macros may be more handy than 'params' classes when
defining defaults for parameters. For example defaults for defined types
which vary from instance to instance, or values which are hard to be
computed in puppet DSL may be easily handled with macros.

I have been working on a new API for functions that I hope we will be able to finish for Puppet 4.0. I have just started and have looked at the work dalen and zaphod42 did earlier.

The need for a new API is because the 3x API requires values to be presented to functions in a particular way (empty strings instead of undef is one of those). If we want to fix that we do need to have a new API. I will come back later and present ideas in more detail (I am not quite done with exploration yet).

Requirements as I see them:

* Must be redefinable in different environments / be reloadable
* Support fully qualified names
* Support arity (fixed and variable)
* Support default arguments
* Support the new type system with automatic type checking
* Support overloading of one function (i.e. multiple signatures)

* Be easy to write for simple functions
* Easy to test
* Callable direct from Ruby
* Protected from exposure from "too much non API" to reduce future
  migration issues

So far, I am leaning against a design that:

* Uses regular ruby methods with regular parameter declaration (easier
  for users - no need to parse the array args are internally passed).
* One function per ruby file (easier to autoload)
* A call to a newfunction "factory" method that creates the function
  class/module  internally - thus enabling using anonymous modules
  (more or less required to be able to reload/redefine).
* Creation call looks horrible if all the desired features are
  to be passed using a hash of options - hence, for more advanced
  options, additional methods are implemented.
* Move Functions out of the Puppet::Parser namespace - they are not part
  of the parser!

As an example - here is a simple function from 3x

Puppet::Parser::Functions::newfunction(:sha1, :type => :rvalue, :arity => 1, :doc => "Returns a SHA1 hash value from a provided string.") do |args|

Rewritten it would be:

    Puppet::Functions.create_function(:sha1) do
      # Returns a SHA1 hash value from a provided string.
      def sha1(str)

If we want to do more - handle multiple signatures, get automatic type checking etc. Additional calls that defines those are required.
This part is what I am working on now - something along the lines of:

    dispatch(:sha1, 'String[1]') # one arg == non empty string

(I am leaving out lots of detail here because ideas are half baked)

I want to be able to:

* Support simple calls
* Calls to different methods depending on signature
* Support Polymorphic dispatch (based on type of first arg) just
  like the future parser/evaluator does.

I am also contemplating if we want to tie function more closely to
the type of the first argument to allow addition of functions with the same name that operates on a different type - don't know how valuable
that would be in the Puppet Language though.

Hope to have a more complete proposal in a couple of weeks time.

- henrik

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