On Wed, 2 Mar 2016, Trevor Vaughan wrote:

R.I., did I just hear you make a suggestion for writing fact DDL files? Not
sure how I feel about that, they're a pain to deal with and confuse users.

The features that I would like to add my vote for:

* Fact TTLs
* Custom fact execution timeouts
* Fact execution timeouts
* Fact parallelization (and settings therein)

Hmm, I'd question the ROI of trying to parallelize something that is already pretty fast and can be made even faster with a working client-side fact cache that has long TTLs for expensive facts. Are there benefits besides speed you have in mind here?

* Moving the facts.d location
* Asynchronous fact reporting (I don't want to have to run facter every
puppet run)
* System fact ACLs (have the ability to allow other hosts access to facts)

Can you explain the problem statement behind this last one a little better?

Eric Sorenson - eric.soren...@puppetlabs.com - freenode #puppet: eric0
puppet platform // coffee // techno // bicycles

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