I ran into a similar situation maybe this will help.

 I just starated rolling out new puppet and ruby packages on Solaris
 Facter 1.5.7 (staying the same)
 ruby 1.8.6.? ->  1.8.7 p249
 puppet 0.25.1 -> 0.25.4

 My initial tests of upgrading an existing puppetmaster and a few
nodes went fine.  However when I add new nodes the cert exchange will
not occur unless the master has a hosts entry for the client and the
client has a hosts entry for the server (no network based name
resolution available).

 However once the cert exchange is complete the master no longer needs
the clients host entry.  I attributed the error messages/situation to
user error.

 My old puppet bootstrap script basically ran the following after an
OS install via jumpstart.

puppetd --server X.X.X.X --onetime --no-daemonize

 Then I would sign the cert and run the above command again.  With new
ruby and puppet i'm getting this error message.

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: undefined method
`closed?' for nil:NilClass

 My work around was to populate the hosts file with a puppet entry and
remove the "--server X.X.X.X" flags from my boot strap script.
Additionally I had to ensure the client node has an entry in the
masters hosts file.

 I still assume this is something I've brought on myself with my lack
of network name resolution.  I'm just hoping the info helps the OP.


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