Brice Figureau wrote:

It would be interesting in finding where (when?) the time is taken. I'm
wondering if it comes from the master or puppetd itself. Does running
with --debug gives more information.

Maybe it does.  I do need to look into this sometime, but I won't have
the time for yet a couple of weeks.

I know Ohad found an issue around 0.24.5 about puppetd scanning $PATH to
find executables each time it needed to run yum/rpm (and possibly other
On his machines this was taking a lot of time (don't ask why).
This has been fixed in 0.25, if I remember correctly, but maybe that's
what you're seeing.

I'm running 0.25.2.  Going from 0.24.8 to 0.25.x did make things go


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