On 07/11/2011 10:37 PM, Victor Hooi wrote:
As long as we have more the <x> bytes available when we install things, we know we'll be fine.

Here is a proof of concept.
With a little tweaking you should be able to test for
an absolute amount of free space on any mounted volume.

Hope that helps,


#! /usr/bin/puppet apply

Exec {
path => "/u0/home/vagn/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"

$script = inline_template("#! /bin/bash


t=\$( df -h \$d | tail -n +2 | sed 's/%//g' | while read a b c d e f ; do echo \$e ; done )

if test \$t -gt \$p
        echo \$t greater than \$p PASSED
        exit 0
        echo \$t not greater than \$p FAILED
        exit 1


define diskspace($dev, $percent) {

        exec { "diskspace $title $dev $percent":
command => "/usr/local/bin/diskspace-script ${dev} ${percent}",
                logoutput => true,
                require => File [ "/usr/local/bin/diskspace-script" ],


node default {

        file { "/usr/local/bin/diskspace-script":
                content => $script,
                mode => 775,

        diskspace { "check 1": dev => "/dev/sda1", percent => "30", }
        diskspace { "check 2": dev => "/dev/sda1", percent => "40", }


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