On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 4:16 PM, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org> wrote:
>> The default is taken from storage host rather than collecting host.
>> This may well be by design ?
> Indeed it is, doubly so.  First, the whole point of exported resources
> is that the *exporting* node defines all their properties.  Second,
> *all* the properties of a resource are exported, even those taking
> default values, therefore the collecting node sees no properties
> needing default values anyway.
Thanks for confirming that - it makes sense to me as it stands.

>> Can I persuade the collection to take the collecting hosts class defaults 
>> with
>> out doing a per variable override
>> File <<| tag == 'testtag' |>> { content => $::hostname }
>> which rather defeats the point of having a default in the first place.
> No.  If you give us an example of a real problem you are trying to
> solve, however, then perhaps we can offer some better advice.

The real example is really very similar. The site.pp contains

   noop      => $firewallnoop,
   loglevel  => $firewallloglevel

with those variables set by the ENC per host, this allows hosts to opt
out of firewall configuration
essentially despite manifests being littered with firewall openings.

The override attribute on collection is fine and the variable can
still be used since that will come from the ENC
on collecter side. My other option is to use the enc variable to case
if the firewalls should even be collected in the first place which
probably makes sense.

Thanks for the comments.

Steve Traylen

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