Hi all,

Doing some work with a puppet 2.7.14 installation to see what's new and needs 
to be changed, however i'm seeing unexpected behavior with my manifests, so my 
external node directory isn't being imported.  This is on a rhel 5 server with 
the puppet rpms from yum.puppetlabs.com, but the cilent machines is based on 
fc17 beta with 2.7.13 rpm (which is with that version for now, and has 
ruby-libs 1.9.3)

First, some appropriate filedumps frome manifests directory:


> cat /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
import gfedevws-templates
import 'nodes'


> cat /etc/puppet/manifests/gfedevws-templates.pp
class gfedevws-template {
        notify { "gfedevws-template": }
        include common::puppet-cron
        include gfedevws::puppet-conf


> cat /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp
node default {
        include common::puppet-cron
        notify ( "Default node": }
        include gfedevws::puppet-conf

#node gfedev-fc17test {
#       include common::puppet-cron
#       notify ( "gfedev in node.pp": }
#       include gfedevws::puppet-conf

import 'gfedevws/*.pp'


> ls /etc/puppet/manifests/gfedevws/
gfedev-fc17test.pp   init.pp


> cat /etc/puppet/manifests/gfedevws/init.pp

import "*"


> cat /etc/puppet/manifests/gfedevws/gfedev-fc17test.pp
node gfedev-fc17test {
        include gfedevws-template
        notify { "gfedevws/gfedev-fc17test" : }


Every time I run puppet on the client, it falls through to the default node, or 
if I comment out the default node it does nothing.  The one time I uncommented 
the gfedev-fc17test node entry in nodes pp it applied that correctly, and 
didn't complain of duplicate node defintion as in previous releases.  However 
I'm unable to make it apply the configuration in the imported gfedevws 

I know import is frowned upon, but at this stage its still valid for node 
definition/manifests, and should be working correctly, unless i'm missing 
something.  All the modules actually used are also correct as far as I can see.

Is there a way I can check or prove if those files are even being parsed by 
puppet?  running my puppetmaster with debug doesn't seem to trigger anything 



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