On Thursday, June 14, 2012 6:00:21 AM UTC-7, PorkCharSui wrote:
> ... can Puppet detect if a user has changed a *.conf file him(her)self and 
> NOT do anything to that *.conf file? 

Nope! Puppet has no good way to tell the difference between:

   - A user using sudo to deliberately change a file, 
   - A rogue or malicious process overwriting the file,
   - A package update replacing the file with a boilerplate one that lacks 
   the modifications you need

As far as I know, that kind of knowledge always has to come from 
out-of-band; there's nothing intrinsic in the file that can tell you about 

But so anyway. Some possible approaches:

   - Investigate the file type's replace => false capability, for 
   initializing files and then not managing content afterwards. 
   - If you're comfortable having users able to edit their puppet.conf 
   files, use environments. If a user changes their environment from 
   "production" to "manual," you can have a selector statement in all of your 
   conf file resources that sets the source (or content) to undef, which makes 
   it unmanaged. This is good because environments show up in reports, so you 
   can tell how many of your users have switched into manual mode. 
   - If you aren't comfortable with opening up puppet.conf, you could also 
   do the same thing with a fact, using the facts.d plugin in the 
   puppetlabs-stdlib module. (Facts.d lets you treat the contents of a plain 
   text file as a custom fact, and then expose that text files to users as a 
   config file.)

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