On 19/06/12 22:02, Guy Knights wrote:
> I can now confirm that Dominic was correct. I'm upgraded to puppet
> 2.7.16 now and the augeas resources are working. One thing I can also
> confirm is that Alan's observation about the context not working and to
> use the full path in the set command was also correct, at least for the
> sudoers config change I made. However, the other augeas resource I had
> that was making changes to /etc/ssh/ssh_config worked using the context
> setting, so I don't know what the problem is there.

Is it this resource from one of your original posts?

  augeas { 'set_sudoers':
     context    => '/files/etc/sudoers/spec[user="%sudo"]',
     changes    => 'set /host_group/command/tag NOPASSWD',

The issue here is the "/" before "host_group".  Because the / is there,
it believes this is an absolute path rather than being underneath the
context.  Remove the leading / and the context will be applied.

Dominic Cleal
Red Hat Consulting
m: +44 (0)7817 878113

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