My puppet master is behind a proxy and unable to connect to a gem repo, so 
I used a different machine to fetch hiera and hiera-puppet gems, and the 
hiera-puppet source tarball.

I then did a gem install on them, and I made sure that hiera was in the 
path, and extracted the hiera-puppet sources into my modulepath.

I ran puppet agent on the master (as suggested by a comment on ) and I 
also did a service puppetmaster restart.

I set up a basic hierarchy, with just a common layer for right now, and I 
added some variables to it.

When I do a puppet run, I get the following error:

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: no 
such file to load -- hiera

Did I miss a step, or am I doing something wrong?

I am using puppet 2.7.14 on Lucid for my puppet master, and the agent in 
question is running 2.7.16 on Precise.

My hiera.yaml is:
  - common
  - yaml
  :datadir: '/etc/puppet/environments/%{environment}/hieradata'

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