
I'm not a total newbie with puppet, but I only use it for a few things and 
I'm not even using modules yet, mostly because I only deploy configuration 
files for now.

I have a configuration for NTP that looks like this:

class ntpd {
    package { "ntp":
        ensure => installed,
      file { "/etc/ntp.conf":
        owner => root,
        group => root,
        mode => 0644,
        source => "puppet://$puppet_server/files/ntp.conf",
        require => Package["ntp"]

    service { "ntpd":
        ensure => running,
        enable => true,
        hasrestart => true,
        hasstatus => true,
        require => [Package["ntp"], File["/etc/ntp.conf"]],
        subscribe => File["/etc/ntp.conf"],

However, I would need to push a different file to my NTP servers (the 
puppet://$puppet_server/files/ntp.conf) are for clients.  How can I do 
that?  Can I simply declare my two servers in a node declaration and set a 
variable in it and then use a puppet:// path that includes a variable?

The setup is that I have 2 NTP servers that sync to servers on the net and 
all my servers and equipment sync to these two servers.



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