HI John,


I had that class in my enable.pp and not in modules/enable/ssl.pp

Is it not possible at all to place it in modules/enable.pp ?

Thanks a lot for you great explanation... just didn't noticed it as I try 
to create a less pp's of possible.



Op donderdag 31 juli 2014 23:30:16 UTC+2 schreef jcbollinger:
> On Thursday, July 31, 2014 3:51:37 PM UTC-5, yamaka...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> Thanks so far!
>> This is what I use now:
>> class mypuppetmodule::modules::enable (
>>         $enable_modules = undef
>> ) {
>>      $modules_split = split($enable_modules, ',')
>>      enableModules { $modules_split: }
>>      enableModules { 'mod1':}
>> }
>> The issue is that when I do a require => 
>> Class['mypuppetmodule::modules::enable::ssl'] it says it cannot find the 
>> dependency.
> You have not presented any class named 
> mypuppetmodule::modules::enable::ssl.  If you in fact have such a class 
> then Puppet would expect to find its definition in manifest file 
> <modulepath>/mypuppetmodule/manifests/modules/enable/ssl.pp.  Moreover, in 
> order to require => that class you must ensure that it is declared at some 
> point during catalog compilation.  The 'require' metaparameter does not do 
> that for you (see my point (3)).
> HOWEVER, I suspect that you don't actually have such a class at all, and 
> you are instead trying to refer to some kind of artifact of 'ssl' being 
> among the substrings specified to class mypuppetmodule::modules::enable via 
> its parameter $enable_modules.  But Puppet has no such concept.  You could 
> consider using one of these instead:
>   require => Class['mypuppetmodule::modules::enable']
> or
>   require => EnableModules['ssl']
> Even so, it remains unclear to me what you hope to gain by that.  Perhaps 
> it's exactly what you need, but I can't tell.
> John

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