Le 17/09/2014 10:14, Francois Lafont a écrit :
> For instance with:
> class my_module (
>   $var1 = $my_module::params::var1,
>   $var2 = $my_module::params::var2,
>   $var3 = $my_module::params::var3,
> ) inherits my_module::params {
>     # The body of the class
> }  
> and:
> class my_module::params {
>   ## API of the module ##
>   $var1 = default_value1
>   $var2 = default_value2
>   $var3 = default_value3
>   ## shared variables between the classes of my_module
>   ## but they are not part of the API module
>   $foo1 = default_value_foo1
>   $foo2 = default_value_foo2
>   $foo3 = default_value_foo3
>   ...
> }
> Imagine I want to define an inner class "internal" which
> needs to use $var2, $var3, $foo1 and $foo2. Which pattern
> should I use to define my "internal" class.
> This one?
> class my_module::internal (
>   $var2,
>   $var3,
> ) inherits my_module::params {
>   notify { "value of foo1 -> $foo1": }
>   notify { "value of foo2 -> $foo2": }
> } 
> This one?
> class my_module::internal (
>   $var2,
>   $var3,
> ) {
>   require my_module::params
>   notify { "value of foo1 -> $my_module:params::foo1": }
>   notify { "value of foo2 -> $my_module:params::foo2": }
> } 
> Or maybe another one...?

In fact, It's curious. I have made some tests with puppet 3.7.0
on Debian Wheezy and I can simply do this:

class my_module::params {

  ## API of the module ##
  $var1 = default_value1
  $var2 = default_value2

  ## shared variables between the classes of my_module
  ## but they are not part of the API module
  $foo1 = default_value_foo1
  $foo2 = default_value_foo2

class my_module (
  $var1 = $my_module::params::var1,
  $var2 = $my_module::params::var2,
) inherits my_module::params {

  include my_module


class my_module::internal {

  file { '/tmp/test_internal.txt':
    content => template('test/test_internal.txt.erb'),

  notify { 'm1': message => "var1 = ${my_module::var1}", }
  notify { 'm2': message => "var2 = ${my_module::var2}", }
  notify { 'm3': message => "foo1 = ${my_module::foo1}", }
  notify { 'm4': message => "foo2 = ${my_module::foo2}", }


It's curious because I use no inheritance in my_module::internal,
no require etc. and despite that I can access to the variables of
my_module. Is it normal?

One thing very curious too: in the my_module::internal class
I can access to $var1 with this syntax :


and $var1 is empty. Ok, I think I understand that. But in my
template "test_internal.txt.erb" I can use directly:

    blabla <%= @var1 %> blabla

without the fully qualified name. Here, I don't understand.

Anyway, although I do not understand well the "scope" mechanism
etc. I feel that I can just use this design for inner classes :

class my_module::internal {

  # No inheritance, no require of my_module::params etc.
  # It's unnecessary.

  # In the class, I must use the fully qualified name
  # to access to a variable of my_module inherited by
  # my_module::params (and sometimes overwritten).
  # For instance:
  notify { 'm1': message => "var1 = ${my_module::var1}", }

  # But in templates, I can directy use @var1.


Am I wrong?

François Lafont

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