
I am just about finished running through the tutorial.

I am planing ahead for rolling out puppet to manage my linux servers.

So I am thinking I need a puppet servers. all the linux boxes need access 
to this server on port 80 & 443 

My first task is to standardize the standard username's GID/UID used. 
currently there is a script that creates my standard users. and it has 
changed over times and some users have different GID/UID's

can I use poppet to standardize my GID/UID's. Then I presume I could create 
a class ??? or ??? to group all of these users together.

How do I plan for different environments.

I would like to test things in say NON PROD for week or 2, how do you setup 
for that .

I note 

there is a production here in the pathing.

for example lets say I want to roll out a new sudoers config file. I want 
to test in UAT first. If I have 1 class and its allocated to all my boxes. 
doesn't that mean that all my boxes get the new sudoers.

or do i need a prod sudoer and a non prod sudoers ??


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