Am 30.03.2016 um 07:07 schrieb Alex Samad:

> So I am thinking I need a puppet servers. all the linux boxes need
> access to this server on port 80 & 443

No. Puppet server listens on port 8140.

> My first task is to standardize the standard username's GID/UID used.
> currently there is a script that creates my standard users. and it has
> changed over times and some users have different GID/UID's
> can I use poppet to standardize my GID/UID's. Then I presume I could
> create a class ??? or ??? to group all of these users together.

That's not a task for Puppet, but for NIS or LDAP. If you want identical
G-/UIDs on all systems, do centralized account management. However,
Puppet could do the LDAP server setup for you, I guess ;)

> How do I plan for different environments.
> I would like to test things in say NON PROD for week or 2, how do you
> setup for that.

Store your modules/manifests/hiera in one or more GIt repositories. You
can then clone it/them once for each environment and check out different

> I note 
> root@learning:/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules
> there is a production here in the pathing.
> for example lets say I want to roll out a new sudoers config file. I
> want to test in UAT first. If I have 1 class and its allocated to all
> my boxes. doesn't that mean that all my boxes get the new sudoers.


> or do i need a prod sudoer and a non prod sudoers ??

That depends on your needs. However, IF you do, you could use templates,
and fill the placeholders with hiera data depending on the environment.
Or you could use sudoers snippets (stored in /etc/sudoers.d/) and only
put those in place which fit the actual environment. You can also put
host-dependent rules into your sudoers file, so that you can rollout the
same file to all hosts regardless (see: man 5 sudoers).



*Dirk Heinrichs*, Senior Systems Engineer, Engineering Solutions
*Recommind GmbH*, Von-Liebig-Straße 1, 53359 Rheinbach
*Tel*: +49 2226 1596666 (Ansage) 1149
*Email*: <>
*Skype*: dirk.heinrichs.recommind <>

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