I'm stepping through "Learning Puppet 4".  I'm on the chapter that builds a 
simple custom module.  I've followed the instructions as far as I can tell, 
but when I try to apply the module, I get the following:

[vagrant@client modules]$ puppet apply --environment test ../manifests/
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Method call, Could not 
find class ::puppet::agent for client.example.com at /etc/puppetlabs/code/
environments/test/manifests/site.pp:6:43 on node client.example.com

I'm sure I've done something wrong, but I can't see it.

Here's the "site.pp" file being referenced:
notify { 'UsingTest':
    message => "Processing catalog from the Test environment.",

# lookup all classes defined in hiera and other data sources
lookup('classes', Array[String], 'unique').include

And here's the modules "init.pp" manifest (although I get the same error 
when I comment out the entire body of the class definition):
class puppet {
  # install puppet-agent
  package { 'puppet-agent':
    ensure => 'latest',
    notify => Service['puppet'],

  # manage the puppet service
  service { 'puppet':
    ensure => 'running',
    enable => true,
    subscribe => Package['puppet-agent'],

What else could I do to get more information?

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