Serial numbers on SSL certificates are important, and your setup will generate many duplicate serial numbers. Ergo, this is bad.

Related problem: Did you test revoking a client certificate? I suspect not, because the above issue will bite you.

On 2016-09-12 12:48 AM, Ivan Arjune wrote:
Did i figure out something new here, because I've been digging at this for a week and don't see anyone doing it like this.

What i'm doing is running multiple puppetmasters behind haproxy. Each puppetmaster is an active ca server and share a common certificate. It works like a charm, in a lab.

Step 1. created a common certificate that all the puppetservers will share.
Step 2. point webserver.conf to the shared certs.
Not a step 3. hit the masters through haproxy

I posted this up on a few days ago and nobody seems interest in it. Either it's a stale forum, which i believe is true, or they think i'm crazy. Maybe you do to, ugg....

Here is the orig. post with details on the setup.
Puppet CA Shared Certificate Guide: Scalable Puppet? <>

I'm looking to put this into production on an infra. with around 200 nodes. I think it's a good idea, but can't figure out why I don't see anyone doing it like this yet.

Million dollar question:
Why must i use a centralized the ca server?

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