Hi all.  We've been seeing some issues after updating from puppetserver 
6.15.1 to 6.15.3.  Initially we had suspected the puppet-agent (6.22.1) but 
have backed that out. We also have updated PuppetDB 6.15.0 to 6.16.1.

It seems that, over time performance of the server drops. Puppet agent run 
times increase from less than a minute to 30 minutes and more, load on the 
server gets higher and r10k runs take longer and longer to the point of 
timing out (we have a limit of 30 minutes, it generally takes nowhere near 
that).  Using a Grafana dashboard we can see netstat connections 
increasing, memory use going high and staying there, some swapping starting 
and a few blocked processes.

We haven't yet found anything that leads us to the reason for this.  I 
suspect something we do is interacting poorly...but I'm haven't found what 
that is.  I'm hoping for possible places to look or tips to address!

In the log there are some messages around ruby but I am far from 
knowledgeable about ruby!
I'll include a snippet.  

`block in real_function_fail'
`block in newfunction'
`block in newfunction'
`block in call'
org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1189:in `catch'
`block in call_function'

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