I've been tasked to install puppet enterprise 2019.8.11 on centos 7.  We 
have some licenses that I figure I can apply once puppet is installed.

I figured I could just fire up a centos 7 instance on AWS (derived from a 
self hardened AMI) and install a puppet enterprise master.  What could go 
wrong...  ;)

I proceeded to get things lined up and ran a wget of a centos 7 tar of 
Enterprise - 2019.8.11 LTS.  Upzipped it, and in the folder which was 
created ran:


Things seemed to go fine for a bit, then...
in red:::
Error: Failed to initialize SSL: The CRL issued by 'CN=Puppet Enterprise 
CA' has expired, verify time is synchronized
Error: Run `puppet agent -t`

The above errors seemed to crop up, in red, periodically during the install

More red:
[Error]: /Stage[main]/Pe_install::Prepare::Certificates/Exec[generate ca 
cert]/returns: change from 'notrun' to ['0'] failed: 
'/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver ca setup --certname tm.sys-f.ecm 
--ca-name 'Puppet Enterprise CA generated at +2022-07-28 23:56:46 +0000' 
--subject-alt-names 'puppet'' returned 1 instead of one of [0]

Then lots of yellow warnings:
[Warning]: /Stage[main]/Pe_install::Prepare::Certificates/Exec[generate 
node cert]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
[Warning]: /Stage[main]/Pe_install::Install::Ssldir/Exec[Set user/group of 
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl contents to pe-puppet:pe-puppet]: Skipping 
because of failed dependencies
Skipping because of failed dependencies
Skipping because of failed dependencies

The tons of warnings with references to "Skipping because of failed 

I've obviously got some gaping hole in the dependencies.

Can anyone point me to what I missed in the instructions to provide the 
config that provisions the dependencies.

Also, I've looked for prerequisites of applications that should be loaded 
prior to install, like wget, or postgresql but haven't seen much of that 
except in random sites.

Thanks in advance for any tips,

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