2013/8/22 Marco Gabriel - inett GmbH <mgabr...@inett.de>

> Nexenta CE may only be used for testing, not allowed for production.
> If you go for a cheap but reliable SAN, look after Promise VessRAID
> machines.
> If you don’t want to spend any money, have a look at freenas which is
> pretty nice, full featured and uses ZFS in the back.

Almost a year ago I have similar doubts and ( bad ) adventures trying to
use Freenas and nas4free, and it only gave me lots of head aches !!!

My advice is forget about it, with ZFS is just not stable ( my record was 5
days before weird and inexplicable freezes ! ) .

With native BSD file system works OK, but the performance are realy poor .

People in this list pointed me to a stable solution :

This :


plus this :


6 mounths up and running smoothly and rock solid !!!

I am using nfs with dedicated switcher, the performance are excelent ...

Fábio Rabelo
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