In previous versions (3.x) I used to do the following:

Let's say grop2 is your dead node, grop1 one of your running nodes.

From one of the running nodes:

- In /etc/pve look for config files of the dead node (es. grop2)
root@grop1: $ cd /etc/pve/nodes/grop2/qemu-server/

- With ls you should see the list of vms running on the dead node

- Move the vm .conf file to the node where you wish to run the vm
es. to move vm 111 from grop2 to grop1: mv 111.conf ../../grop1/qemu-server/

Do the same for every vm running on the dead node, until
grop2/qemu-server become empty.

- Restart following services on all nodes:
systemctl restart pvestatd.service
systemctl restart pvedaemon.service
systemctl restart pve-cluster.service

- Issue "qm list" to verify that vms have been moved

- Start vms:
root@grop1: $ qm start 111


Il 07/11/2016 11:16, Szabolcs F. ha scritto:
> Hello All,
> I've got a Proxmox VE 4.3 cluster (no subscription) of 12 Dell C6220 nodes.
> My question is: how do I move a VM from a dead node? Let's say my pve11
> dies (hardware issue), but the other 11 nodes are still up&running. In this
> case I can't migrate VMs off of pve11, because I get the 'no route to host'
> issue. I can only see the VM ID of the VMs that should be running on pve11.
> But I want to move the VMs to the working nodes until I can fix the
> hardware issue.
> All my VMs are stored on NAS servers, so a failing Proxmox node is not an
> issue from this point of view, I can still access the VM files. All my 12
> PVE nodes access the storage with NFS.
> Thanks in advance!
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